Household income and wealth

Dynamic economy that shares prosperity


  • Median equivalised weekly disposable household income
  • Net worth per household

Why this matters

Income or wealth are the economic resources that households use to buy necessary goods and services for a decent living.


Median equivalised disposable household income

In 2019-20, the median equivalised disposable household income was $1056 per week (in 2021-22 dollars), compared with $976 in 2007-08 (in 2021-22 dollars).

Supplementary data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey shows that between 2019-20 and 2021-22, the median equivalised disposable household income remained similar (from $1,107 to $1,104, in 2021-22 dollars).

(a) In 2021-22 dollars, adjusted using changes in the Consumer Price Index. 

(b) HILDA results are from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and managed by the Melbourne Institute.

Net worth per household

Average net worth per household was $1.46m in 2023, up from $858,600 in 2014 and $530,500 in 2004.

(a) Average net worth per household is calculated by expressing June quarter household net worth as a proportion of household projections for the same year using the latest available projections for each year. Sources: National accounts: finance and wealth (Table 35); Household and family projections (Series II).

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