Education attainment

Access to education, skills development and learning throughout life


  • Proportion of people aged 20-24 with a qualification at Year 12 or equivalent
  • Proportion of people aged 25-34 with a qualification at Certificate III level or above

Why this matters

Education and training creates opportunity for people, enables them to make a full contribution to the community and underpins the development of aspiration and purpose.


In 2023:

  • 85% of people aged 20-24 years held a qualification at Year 12 or equivalent, similar to 2022 (86%), and up from 2014 (77%)
  • 73% of people aged 25-34 years held a qualification at Certificate III level or above, similar to 2022 (73%), and up from 2014 (66%).
  1. Further information about the certificate levels is available from the Australian Qualifications Framework.
  2. Data was obtained through a custom analysis of ABS Education and Work 2023.

Differences across groups

People aged 20-24 with a qualification at Year 12 or equivalent

In 2023, more people aged 20-24 had completed Year 12 or equivalent than a decade ago:

  • 81% of males (an increase from 72% in 2014)
  • 88% of females (an increase from 81% in 2014).

Census data reported in Closing the Gap shows the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 20-24 who had completed Year 12 or equivalent increased from 53% in 2016 to 60% in 2021.

People aged 25-34 with a qualification at Certificate III level or above

In 2023, more people aged 25-34 held a qualification at Certificate III level or above than in 2014:

  • 69% of males (an increase from 64%)
  • 76% of females (an increase from 67%).

The proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 25-34 with a qualification at Certificate III level or above increased from 42% in 2016 to 47% in 2021.


Further information on educational attainment is available at ABS Education and Work, Closing the Gap and Census 2021 Education and training.

Disaggregation available includes:

  • sex
  • remoteness areas
  • Indigenous status
  • level of education attainment.
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