831332 Poultry Process Worker
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
831332 Poultry Process Worker
Stuns and kills, dresses, trims, cuts into portions, bones, fillets, weighs, grades and packages poultry.
- Poultry Boner
- Poultry Slaughterer
Skill level: 5
Main tasks
- Stuns and kills poultry according to standard procedures
- Dresses poultry by removing feathers, internal organs and other unneeded parts
- Trims poultry to remove excess fat or skin
- Bones poultry by removing bones from meat
- Cuts and fillets poultry into portions or specific cuts as required
- Weighs poultry to ensure accurate portioning and packaging
- Grades poultry based on quality standards
- Packages poultry in appropriate containers or packaging materials
- Cleans and maintains work area and equipment used in poultry processing