SEAD administrators interface
Provides an overview of the SEAD portal home page and available administrator functions
SEAD web portal overview
The SEAD administrator interface is the primary platform for all SEAD administrators. Depending on the provisioned level of the person accessing SEAD (i.e. Pod Owner, Administrator, Read-Only Administrator), the navigation objects available will look slightly different as each role enables varying levels of accessibility to certain functions (e.g. Pod Owners will also have a Banner Messages and Administrators tab).
To access the SEAD portal, follow the instructions provided in the user guide.
This image provides an overview of the SEAD interface for administrators.
Information centre, global Links and account: Links to SEAD conditions of use, What's New (recent system updates), About (links to the SEAD website), Privacy Notice and account details information, including the email address, pod name, assigned roles and log out button.
Navigation panel: Links to accessible SEAD operations in the portal. These operations will change depending on the administrators assigned roles.
Quick search bar: Filter search results on the from a free text field. This search bar is available on most operations in the portal.
Filters: Allows attribute-based filtration to be applied to the operation.
New project button: takes you to the create new project form where additional projects can be added to the SEADpod
Export button: downloads a CSV report of the project details
List of existing projects: Contains the Project ID, name, storage size, organisation, status, start and end date, closed date, users, Databricks and tags of existing projects in the SEADpod
Expand/collapse navigation panel button: allows you to expand or collapse the navigation panel
As an administrator, your interface will enable you access to information about the various operational objects in the system: Projects, Products, Users, Virtual Machines, Packages, Organisations, Desktop Sessions and Tags. The Projects page is the default starting page.
You can view the actions performed in the user interface by clicking the ‘Action Log’ tab from the navigation panel. You can also download CSV reports for each object page (Indicated above).
Note: The Package Manager is read only to SEAD administrators, as this is managed by the ABS. For more information refer to Code and Package Loads.