Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 106)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 106) consists of government expenditure on social exclusion not elsewhere classified. This category is further classified into:

  • social exclusion not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069).

Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069)


Social exclusion not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069) consists of:

  • the provision of social protection in the form of cash benefits and benefits in kind to persons who are socially excluded or at risk of social exclusion (such as persons who are destitute, low-income earners, immigrants, indigenous people, refugees, alcohol and substance abusers, victims of criminal violence, etc.);
  • the administration and operation of such social protection schemes;
  • cash benefits, such as income support and other cash payments to the destitute and vulnerable persons to help alleviate poverty or assist in difficult situations; and
  • benefits in kind, such as short-term and long-term shelter and board provided to destitute and vulnerable persons, rehabilitation of alcohol and substance abusers, services and goods to help vulnerable persons such as counselling, day shelter, help with carrying out daily tasks, food, clothing, fuel, etc.

Includes: Payments such as Special Benefit; assistance for homeless people other than youth such as that provided under the National Affordable Housing Agreement; information, advice and referral services; prisoners' aid; care of refugees; premarital education; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander welfare services; general casework services which lead to the determination of eligibility for income assistance or welfare services; benefits in kind provided to persons in times of personal and family emergencies; financial assistance (other than for the aged and the disabled) not primarily related to inadequate earning capacity; community and management support; assistance for individuals or households with inadequate earning capacity such as telephone, rental, postal, transport and rate concessions; drug and alcohol treatment and prevention programs such as petrol sniffing programs and living with alcohol programs.

Excludes: Transportation services to students (classified to transportation of non-urban school students (COFOG-A 0951) or transportation of other students (COFOG-A 0952)); nursing and convalescent home services (classified to nursing and convalescent home services (COFOG-A 0734)).