Transport (COFOG-A 11)
Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period
Transport (COFOG-A 11) consists of government expenditure on transport. Urban areas in each state / territory include the capital city and the commuter population areas for the capital city. Non-urban areas in each state / territory are residual to the urban areas. This category is further classified into:
- road transport (COFOG-A 111);
- bus transport (COFOG-A 112);
- water transport (COFOG-A 113);
- railway transport (COFOG-A 114);
- air transport (COFOG-A 115);
- multi-mode urban transport (COFOG-A 116);
- pipeline and other transport (COFOG-A 117);
- research and development - transport (COFOG-A 118); and
- transport not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 119).