Research and development - transport (COFOG-A 118)

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Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
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Research and development - transport (COFOG-A 118) consists of government expenditure on research and development relating to transport. Definitions of basic research, applied research and experimental development are given under COFOG-A 014 and COFOG-A 015. This category is further classified into:

  • research and development - transport (COFOG-A 1181).

Research and development - transport (COFOG-A 1181)


Research and development - transport (COFOG-A 1181) consists of:

  • the administration and operation of government agencies engaged in applied research and experimental development related to transport; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support applied research and experimental development related to transport undertaken by non-government bodies such as research institutes and universities.

Includes: Research into road design, road construction methods or materials relating to specific projects; research into specific road maintenance related projects; research into the design and efficiency of parking facilities; transport accident/safety research; research into the design and construction of water transport facilities; research into the design and construction of railway transport facilities; research into the design and construction of air transport facilities; research into the design and construction of bus transport facilities; research into pipeline transport affairs and services; research into multi-mode urban transport affairs and services.

Excludes: Basic research (classified to basic research (COFOG-A 0141)).

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