Survivors (COFOG-A 102)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Survivors (COFOG-A 102) consists of government expenditure on survivors. This category is further classified into:

  • survivors (COFOG-A 1021).

Survivors (COFOG-A 1021)


Survivors (COFOG-A 1021) consists of:

  • the provision of social protection in the form of cash benefits and benefits in kind to persons who are survivors of a deceased person (such as the person's spouse, ex-spouse, children, grandchildren, parents or other relatives);
  • the administration, operation or support of such social protection schemes;
  • cash benefits, such as survivors' pensions, death grants, other periodic or lump-sum payments to survivors; and
  • benefits in kind, such as payments towards funeral expenditure, miscellaneous services and goods provided to survivors to enable them to participate in community life.

Includes: Pensions and other benefits paid to war widows and war orphans; pensions and other benefits paid to widows who have no recent workforce experience; benefits paid where both parents of a child are deceased or are unable to care for the child in certain circumstances.