Sickness and disability (COFOG-A 100)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Sickness and disability (COFOG-A 100) consists of government expenditure on sickness and disability. This category is further classified into:

  • sickness (COFOG-A 1001); and
  • disability (COFOG-A 1002).

Sickness (COFOG-A 1001)


Sickness (COFOG-A 1001) consists of:

  • the provision of social protection in the form of cash benefits or benefits in kind that replace in whole or in part loss of earnings during a temporary inability to work due to sickness or injury;
  • the administration, operation or support of such social protection schemes;
  • cash benefits, such as flat-rate or earnings-related sick leave payments, miscellaneous payments provided to help persons temporarily unable to work due to sickness or injury; and
  • benefits in kind, such as assistance with daily tasks provided to persons temporarily unable to work due to sickness or injury (home help, transport facilities, etc.).

Includes: Miners phthisis compensation; payments to patients for loss of income due to hospitalisation.

Excludes: Special Benefit (classified to social exclusions not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069)); workers compensation payments (classified according to function); payments for health services (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 07).

Disability (COFOG-A 1002)


Disability (COFOG-A 1002) consists of:

  • the provision of social protection in the form of cash benefits or benefits in kind to persons who are fully or partially unable to engage in economic activity or lead a normal life due to a physical or mental impairment that is either permanent or likely to persist beyond a minimum prescribed period;
  • the administration, operation or support of such social protection schemes;
  • cash benefits, such as disability pensions paid to persons below the standard retirement age who encounter a disability which impairs their ability to work, early retirement benefits paid to older workers who retire before reaching the standard retirement age due to reduced capacity to work, care allowances, allowances paid to disabled people undertaking work adapted to their condition or undergoing vocational training, other periodic or lump-sum payments paid to disabled persons for social protection reasons; and
  • benefits in kind, such as lodging and possibly board provided to disabled persons in appropriate establishments, assistance provided to disabled persons to help them with daily tasks (home help, transport facilities, etc.), allowances paid to the person who looks after the disabled person, vocational and other training provided to further the occupational and social rehabilitation of disabled persons, miscellaneous services and goods provided to disabled persons to enable them to participate in leisure and cultural activities or to travel or to participate in community life.

Includes: Respite care; development care; substitute care; domestic and personal assistance such as services provided through the Home and Community Care Program; services delivered by residential institutions such as hostels, villages and group homes and other services provided under the National Disability Insurance Scheme; transport other than public transport; supported employment and rehabilitation such as sheltered employment and training centres for people with a disability; community centres such as day care centres for people with a disability; financial assistance not primarily related to inadequate earning capacity such as concessions specifically for people with a disability (transport and material assistance, etc.); payments made to institutions for children with a disability; pensions and other benefits paid to ex-service personnel to compensate for invalidity and other permanent disablement resulting from service in the defence forces; information sessions on and for people with a disability, meals on wheels.

Excludes: Cash benefits and benefits in kind paid to disabled persons on reaching the standard retirement age (classified to old age (COFOG-A 1011)); repatriation benefits payable only to ex-service personnel (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 07); medical services (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 07); nursing and convalescent home services (classified to nursing and convalescent home services (COFOG-A 0734)); domiciliary nursing services not provided as part of a welfare-type package (classified to community health services not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0759)).