| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | Mnemonic | | Description | Release (2017) | |
| | | | | | |
Person | | AGEP | | Age | June | |
| | AGE5P | | Age in Five Year Groups | June | |
| | AGE10P | | Age in Ten Year Groups | June | |
| | ANCP | | Ancestry Multi Response | June | |
| | ANC1P | | Ancestry 1st Response | June | |
| | ANC2P | | Ancestry 2nd Response | June | |
| | ASSNP | | Core Activity Need for Assistance | June | |
| | BPFP | | Country of Birth of Mother | June | |
| | BPLP | | Country of Birth of Person | June | |
| | BPMP | | Country of Birth of Father | June | |
| | BPPP | | Country of Birth of Parents | June | |
| | CDPP
CHCAREP | | Community Development Programme Participation
Unpaid Child Care | October
June | |
| | CITP | | Australian Citizenship | June | |
| | CTGP | | Child Type (including grandchildren) | June | |
| | CTPP | | Child Type | June | |
| | DOMP | | Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours | June | |
| | EETP | | Engagement in Employment, Education and Training | October | |
| | EMPP | | Number of Employees | October | |
| | ENGLP | | Proficiency in Spoken English/Language | June | |
| | ENGP | | Proficiency in Spoken English | June | |
| | GNGP | | Public/Private Sector | October | |
| | HEAP | | Level of Highest Educational Attainment | October | |
| | HRSP | | Hours Worked | October | |
| | HRWRP | | Hours Worked (ranges) | October | |
| | HSCP | | Highest Year of School Completed | June | |
| | IFAGEP | | Imputation Flag for Age | June | |
| | IFMSTP | | Imputation Flag for Registered Marital Status | June | |
IFPURP | | Imputation Flag for Place of Work
Imputation Flag for Place of Usual Residence | October
June | |
| | IFSEXP | | Imputation Flag for Sex | June | |
| | INCP | | Total Personal Income (weekly) | June | |
| | INDP | | Industry of Employment | October | |
| | INGP | | Indigenous Status | June | |
| | LANP | | Language Spoken at Home | June | |
| | LFHRP | | Labour Force Status and Hours Worked Not Stated | October | |
| | LFSP | | Labour Force Status | October | |
| | MDCP | | Social Marital Status | June | |
| | MSTP | | Registered Marital Status | June | |
| | MTWP | | Method of Travel to Work | October | |
| | OCCP | | Occupation | October | |
| | POWP | | Place of Work | October | |
| | PURP | | Place of Usual Residence | June | |
| | PUR1P | | Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago | October | |
| | PUR5P | | Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago | October | |
| | QALFP | | Non-School Qualification: Field of Study | October | |
| | QALLP | | Non-School Qualification: Level of Education | October | |
| | RELP | | Religious Affiliation | June | |
| | RLCP | | Relationship as Reported for Couples | June | |
| | RLGP | | Relationship in Household (including grandchildren) | June | |
| | RLHP | | Relationship in Household | June | |
| | RLNP | | Residential Status in a Non-Private Dwelling | June | |
| | RPIP | | Family/Household Reference Person Indicator | June | |
| | SEXP | | Sex | June | |
| | SIEMP | | Status in Employment | October | |
| | SLPP | | Sex of Lone Parent | June | |
| | STUP | | Full-Time/Part-Time Student Status | June | |
| | TISP | | Number of Children Ever Born | June | |
| | TISRP | | Number of Children Ever Born (ranges) | June | |
| | TYPP | | Type of Educational Institution Attending | June | |
| | TYSTAP | | Educational Institution: Attendee Status | June | |
| | UAICP | | Usual Address Indicator Census Night | June | |
| | UAI1P | | Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator | October | |
| | UAI5P | | Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator | October | |
| | UNCAREP | | Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability | June | |
| | VOLWP | | Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group | June | |
| | YARP | | Year of Arrival in Australia | June | |
| | YARRP | | Year of Arrival in Australia (ranges) | June | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Household/Dwelling | | BEDD | | Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling | June | |
| | BEDRD | | Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (ranges) | June | |
| | CPAD | | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Household | June | |
| | DLOD | | Dwelling Location | June | |
| | DWTD | | Dwelling Type | June | |
| | HCFMD | | Family Household Composition (Dwelling) | June | |
| | HHCD | | Household Composition | June | |
| | HIDD | | Household Income Derivation Indicator | June | |
| | HIED | | Equivalised Total Household Income (weekly) | June | |
| | HINASD | | Total Household Income as Stated (weekly) | June | |
| | HIND | | Total Household Income (weekly) | June | |
| | HOSD | | Housing Suitability | June | |
| | IFNMFD | | Imputation Flag for Number of Males and Females in Dwelling | June | |
| | INGDWTD | | Indigenous Household Indicator | June | |
| | LLDD | | Landlord Type | June | |
| | MRED | | Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values | June | |
| | MRERD | | Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Ranges | June | |
| | MV1D | | Household One Year Mobility Indicator | October | |
| | MV5D | | Household Five Year Mobility Indicator | October | |
| | NEDD | | Dwelling Internet Connection | June | |
| | NPDD | | Type of Non-Private Dwelling | June | |
| | NPRD | | Number of Persons Usually Resident in Dwelling | June | |
| | RNTD | | Rent (weekly) Dollar Values | June | |
| | RNTRD | | Rent (weekly) Ranges | June | |
| | SAFD | | Supported Accommodation Flag | October | |
| | STRD | | Dwelling Structure | June | |
| | TEND | | Tenure Type | June | |
| | TENLLD | | Tenure and Landlord Type | June | |
| | VEHD | | Number of Motor Vehicles | June | |
| | VEHRD | | Number of Motor Vehicles (ranges) | June | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Family | | CACF | | Count of All Children in Family | June | |
| | CDCAF | | Count of Dependent Children Under 15 Temporarily Absent | June | |
| | CDCF | | Count of Dependent Children in Family | June | |
| | CDSAF | | Count of Dependent Students (15-24 years) Temporarily Absent | June | |
| | CNDAF | | Count of Non-Dependent Children Temporarily Absent | June | |
| | CNDCF | | Count of Non-Dependent Children in Family | June | |
| | CPAF | | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Family | June | |
| | CPRF | | Count of Persons in Family | June | |
| | FBLF | | Family Blending | June | |
| | FIDF | | Family Income Derivation Indicator | June | |
| | FINASF | | Total Family Income as Stated (weekly) | June | |
| | FINF | | Total Family Income (weekly) | June | |
| | FMCF | | Family Composition | June | |
| | FMGF | | Grandparent Families | June | |
| | FNOF | | Family Number | June | |
| | FRLF | | Relationship Between Families | June | |
| | HCFMF | | Family Household Composition (Family) | June | |
| | LFSF | | Labour Force Status of Parents/Partners in Families | October | |
| | SPLF | | Location of Spouse | June | |
| | SSCF | | Same Sex Couple Indicator | June | |
Person | | Age (AGEP) | |
| | Age in Five Year Groups (AGE5P) | |
| | Age in Ten Year Groups (AGE10P) | |
| | Ancestry Multi Response (ANCP) | |
| | Ancestry 1st Response (ANC1P) | |
| | Ancestry 2nd Response (ANC2P) | |
| | Australian Citizenship (CITP) | |
| | Child Type (CTPP) | |
| | Child Type (including grandchildren) (CTGP) | |
| | Core Activity Need for Assistance (ASSNP) | |
| | Country of Birth of Father (BPMP) | |
| | Country of Birth of Mother (BPFP) | |
| | Country of Birth of Parents (BPPP) | |
| | Country of Birth of Person (BPLP) | |
| | Educational Institution: Attendee Status (TYSTAP) | |
| | Family/Household Reference Person Indicator (RPIP) | |
| | Full-Time/Part-Time Student Status (STUP) | |
| | Highest Year of School Completed (HSCP) | |
| | Imputation Flag for Age (IFAGEP) | |
| | Imputation Flag for Place of Usual Residence (IFPURP) | |
| | Imputation Flag for Registered Marital Status (IFMSTP) | |
| | Imputation Flag for Sex (IFSEXP) | |
| | Indigenous Status (INGP) | |
| | Language Spoken at Home (LANP) | |
| | Number of Children Ever Born (TISP) | |
| | Number of Children Ever Born (ranges) (TISRP) | |
| | Place of Usual Residence (PURP) | |
| | Proficiency in Spoken English (ENGP) | |
| | Proficiency in Spoken English/Language (ENGLP) | |
| | Registered Marital Status (MSTP) | |
| | Relationship as Reported for Couples (RLCP) | |
| | Relationship in Household (including grandchildren) (RLGP) | |
| | Relationship in Household (RLHP) | |
| | Religious Affiliation (RELP) | |
| | Residential Status in a Non-Private Dwelling (RLNP) | |
| | Sex (SEXP) | |
| | Sex of Lone Parent (SLPP) | |
| | Social Marital Status (MDCP) | |
| | Total Personal Income (weekly) (INCP) | |
| | Type of Educational Institution Attending (TYPP) | |
| | Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability (UNCAREP) | |
| | Unpaid Child Care (CHCAREP) | |
| | Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours (DOMP) | |
| | Usual Address Indicator Census Night (UAICP) | |
| | Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group (VOLWP) | |
| | Year of Arrival in Australia (YARP) | |
| | Year of Arrival in Australia (ranges) (YARRP) | |
| | | |
| | | |
Household/Dwelling | | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Household (CPAD) | |
| | Dwelling Internet Connection (NEDD) | |
| | Dwelling Location (DLOD) | |
| | Dwelling Structure (STRD) | |
| | Dwelling Type (DWTD) | |
| | Equivalised Total Household Income (weekly) (HIED) | |
| | Family Household Composition (Dwelling) (HCFMD) | |
| | Household Composition (HHCD) | |
| | Household Income Derivation Indicator (HIDD) | |
| | Housing Suitability (HOSD) | |
| | Imputation Flag for Number of Males and Females in Dwelling (IFNMFD) | |
| | Indigenous Household Indicator (INGDWTD) | |
| | Landlord Type (LLDD) | |
| | Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Dollar Values (MRED) | |
| | Mortgage Repayments (monthly) Ranges (MRERD) | |
| | Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (BEDD) | |
| | Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (ranges) (BEDRD) | |
| | Number of Motor Vehicles (VEHD) | |
| | Number of Motor Vehicles (ranges) (VEHRD) | |
| | Number of Persons Usually Resident in Dwelling (NPRD) | |
| | Rent (weekly) Dollar Values (RNTD) | |
| | Rent (weekly) Ranges (RNTRD) | |
| | Tenure and Landlord Type (TENLLD) | |
| | Tenure Type (TEND) | |
| | Total Household Income as Stated (weekly) (HINASD) | |
| | Total Household Income (weekly) (HIND) | |
| | Type of Non-Private Dwelling (NPDD) | |
| | | |
| | | |
Family | | Count of All Children in Family (CACF) | |
| | Count of Dependent Children in Family (CDCF) | |
| | Count of Dependent Children Under 15 Temporarily Absent (CDCAF) | |
| | Count of Dependent Students (15-24 years) Temporarily Absent (CDSAF) | |
| | Count of Non-Dependent Children in Family (CNDCF) | |
| | Count of Non-Dependent Children Temporarily Absent (CNDAF) | |
| | Count of Persons in Family (CPRF) | |
| | Count of Persons Temporarily Absent from Family (CPAF) | |
| | Family Blending (FBLF) | |
| | Family Composition (FMCF) | |
| | Family Household Composition (Family) (HCFMF) | |
| | Family Income Derivation Indicator (FIDF) | |
| | Family Number (FNOF) | |
| | Grandparent Families (FMGF) | |
| | Location of Spouse (SPLF) | |
| | Relationship Between Families (FRLF) | |
| | Same Sex Couple Indicator (SSCF) | |
| | Total Family Income as Stated (weekly) (FINASF) | |
| | Total Family Income (weekly) (FINF) | |
| | | |
| | | |
October 2017 Release | | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Person | | Community Development Programme Participation (CDPP)
Engagement in Employment, Education and Training (EETP) | |
| | Hours Worked (HRSP) | |
| | Hours Worked (ranges) (HRWRP)
Imputation Flag for Place of Work (IFPOWP) | |
| | Industry of Employment (INDP) | |
| | Labour Force Status (LFSP) | |
| | Labour Force Status and Hours Worked Not Stated (LFHRP) | |
| | Level of Highest Educational Attainment (HEAP) | |
| | Method of Travel to Work (MTWP) | |
| | Non-School Qualification: Field of Study (QALFP) | |
| | Non-School Qualification: Level of Education (QALLP) | |
| | Number of Employees (EMPP) | |
| | Occupation (OCCP) | |
| | Place of Usual Residence One Year Ago (PUR1P) | |
| | Place of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (PUR5P) | |
| | Place of Work (POWP) | |
| | Public/Private Sector (GNGP) | |
| | Status in Employment (SIEMP) | |
| | Usual Address One Year Ago Indicator (UAI1P) | |
| | Usual Address Five Years Ago Indicator (UAI5P) | |
| | | |
| | | |
Household/Dwelling | | Household One Year Mobility Indicator (MV1D) | |
| | Household Five Year Mobility Indicator (MV5D) | |
| | Supported Accommodation Flag (SAFD) | |
| | | |
| | | |
Family | | Labour Force Status of Parents/Partners in Families (LFSF) | |