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Classifies families into different family types depending on the composition of the family. The focus of this classification is on grandparent families and it can only be used in conjunction with other related grandparent/grandchild classifications. It cannot be used with standard family classifications.
Variations on the composition of grandparent families can be very detailed. When requesting customised data, users should take into account whether the grandparent families of interest contain only grandchildren under 15 years of age or if they also contain dependent student grandchildren aged 15-24 and/or non-dependent grandchildren of any age. Other considerations include whether or not there are other related children in the family.
See also Child Type (including grandchildren) (CTGP), Relationship in Household (including grandchildren) (RLGP).
Applicable to:
Families with grandchildren
Couple family with grandchildren
Couple family with grandchildren under 15 (with or without other children)
Couple family with no grandchildren under 15 and with dependent student grandchildren (with or without other children)
Couple family with no grandchildren under 15, no dependent student grandchildren and with non-dependent grandchildren (with or without other children)
Lone grandparent
Lone grandparent with grandchildren under 15 (with or without other children)
Lone grandparent with no grandchildren under 15 and with dependent student grandchildren (with or without other children)
Lone grandparent with no grandchildren under 15, no dependent student grandchildren and with non-dependent grandchildren (with or without other children)