LFSP | Labour Force Status | October release |
| Records, for the week prior to Census night, a person's labour force status.
Note that the category, 'Employed, away from work' also includes persons who stated they worked but who did not state their number of hours worked.
See also 'The 2016 Census and the Labour Force Survey' in Census of Population and Housing: Understanding the Census and Census Data, Australia (cat. no. 2900.0) for information comparing the two collections. |  |
Applicable to: | Persons aged 15 years and over |  |
|  |
Categories: | 1 | Employed, worked full-time |  |
 | 2 | Employed, worked part-time |  |
 | 3 | Employed, away from work |  |
 | 4 | Unemployed, looking for full-time work |  |
 | 5 | Unemployed, looking for part-time work |  |
 | 6 | Not in the labour force |  |
 | & | Not stated |  |
 | @ | Not applicable |  |
 | V | Overseas visitor |  |
Number of categories: | 9 |  |  |
Not applicable (@) category comprises:
|  |
Persons aged under 15 years |  |