Protected areas

Protect, repair and manage the environment


Proportion of land and water areas dedicated to the long-term conservation of nature, its ecosystems and cultural values

Why this matters

The National Reserve System is a network of protected areas dedicated to conserving our biodiversity and protecting our ecosystems. They provide opportunity for Australians to connect with nature – a critical part of our national identity, and an essential part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.

Marine protected areas are recognised as one of the best ways to conserve and protect biodiversity in our oceans. Australia has a world leading National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas, which contributes to the long-term viability of the marine environment.


In 2022:

  1. Data was sourced via the Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) for each year referenced above. 
  2. Marine Protected Area values for 2004 and 2014 have not been included as they may be over-estimates resulting from areas being classified under more than one protection category. Data for Marine Protected Areas for 2006 was unavailable. 
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