Engineering Construction Activity, Australia

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Contains value of engineering construction work done, commenced and yet to be done

Reference period
September 2022

Key statistics

In the September quarter:

  • Seasonally adjusted work done rose 3.5%.
  • Seasonally adjusted work done for the private sector rose 4.5%.
  • Value of work commenced rose 87.4% in original terms.
  • Trend work done rose 0.8%

Value of work done

Reinstatement of trend series

The trend series for Engineering Construction have been reviewed and reinstated.

Further details on the reinstatement of trend are available in the changes this issue section below.

 Sep Qtr 22

Jun Qtr 22 to
Sep Qtr 22

Sep Qtr 21 to
Sep Qtr 22
$m% change% change

Chain volume measures, seasonally adjusted estimate (a)

Value of work done   
 For the private sector13,645.84.51.1
 For the public sector(b)10,519.02.210.4
 Total engineering construction24,

a. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2020-21.

b. Includes work done by the private sector for the public sector and work done by the public sector.

 Sep Qtr 22

Jun Qtr 22 to
Sep Qtr 22

Sep Qtr 21 to
Sep Qtr 22
$m% change% change

Chain volume measures, trend estimate (a)

Value of work done   
 For the private sector13,378.61.1-2.2
 For the public sector(b)10,442.60.46.9
 Total engineering construction23,826.30.81.6

a. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2020-21.

b. Includes work done by the private sector for the public sector and work done by the public sector.

a. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2020-21.

a. Reference year for chain volume measures is 2020-21.

Value of work done, chain volume measures


The seasonally adjusted estimate for the value of total engineering construction work done rose 3.5% in the September quarter to $24,164.9m. The trend estimate rose 0.8%. 

Private Sector

The seasonally adjusted estimate for the value of work done for the private sector rose 4.5% in the September quarter to $13,645.8m. The trend estimate rose 1.1%.

Public Sector

The seasonally adjusted estimate for the value of work done for the public sector rose 2.2% in the September quarter to $10,519.0m. The trend estimate rose 0.4%.

Value of work commenced


The value of work commenced rose 87.4% in the September quarter to $41,512.6m in original terms.

Private Sector

The value of work commenced for the private sector in the September quarter was $19,252.8m in original terms.

Public Sector

The value of work commenced for the public sector in the September quarter was $22,259.8m in original terms.

Data downloads

Time series spreadsheets

Data files
Data files

Changes this issue

Review of trend suspension

Chain volume reference year updated

About this release

This publication updates the preliminary estimates released in Construction Work Done, Australia on 30 November 2022. This release includes revisions to Engineering Construction data back to June 2022.

Data notes

Several time series spreadsheets for recent quarters contain 'np' (not available for publication) annotations. This is due to confidential data being contained in these series.  

Mining projects tend to be complex in structure and comprise a number of different investment activities including exploration, engineering construction, plant and equipment and buildings. A feature article released in the March 2012 issue of Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, Australia provides a summary of the conceptual basis of the relevant ABS publications that measure investment in Australia, using a hypothetical mining project to illustrate how this investment is reflected in ABS data.


For enquiries about these and related statistics, contact the Customer Assistance Service via the ABS website Contact Us page. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.

Article archive

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 8762.0

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