Managed Funds, Australia

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Statistics on the assets and liabilities of financial institutions that pool funds for investment, classified by type of financial instrument

Reference period
December 2023

Key statistics

During the December 2023 quarter:

  • the total managed funds industry rose $176.6b (3.9%) to $4,751.5b funds under management
  • consolidated assets of managed funds institutions rose $152.1b (4.1%) to $3,883.7b
  • cross invested assets rose $24.5b (4.5%) to $568.2b
  • unconsolidated assets rose $176.6b (4.1%) to $4,451.9b.

Suspending Managed Funds statistics

This publication has now been paused and the December quarter 2023 issue will be the last release until further notice. 

As previously advised, the ABS has been consulting with users and industry on the Managed Funds publication since late 2023. An outcome of this consultation is that the publication in its current state, and the underlying collections, no longer align with the way the industry operates. Discussion with industry and government does highlight a demand for data on investment funds activity. The ABS will continue to work with stakeholders on options to uplift the underlying data collections and investigate the possibility of a replacement publication. An update on progress will be provided in early 2025.

The ABS collection on Public Unit Trusts will continue. Data from this collection will continue to be used in the compilation of associated sectors in the National Accounts: Finance and Wealth (tables 9 and 23). In the National Accounts: Finance and Wealth publication, adjustments are made to these sectors to account for scope and coverage. Though some underlying quality issues remain, National Accounts: Finance and Wealth will continue to publish information on investment funds and can be used as an alternative source.

Data quality note

The Managed Funds publication provides a view of Funds under Management in the Managed Funds industry, based on ABS methodology and definitions. The Managed Funds industry has evolved significantly since the surveys and their related methodologies were last updated in 2010. As a result, some of the statistics produced in the Managed Funds publication do not capture the full scope of activity. Please exercise caution when interpreting these statistics. Please see the Managed Funds, Australia methodology page for more information. 

 Sep Qtr 2023
Dec Qtr 2023
Sep Qtr 2023 to Dec Qtr 2023
Total managed funds industry4,574,8734,751,5033.9
Consolidated assets total managed funds institutions3,731,5783,883,6634.1
Cross invested assets between managed funds institutions543,663568,1964.5
Unconsolidated assets total managed funds institutions4,275,2414,451,8584.1
 Life insurance corporations119,873121,1461.1
 Superannuation (pension) funds3,639,1253,797,3624.3
 Public offer (retail) unit trusts469,028485,3573.5
 All other managed funds institutions47,21547,9931.6

Managed funds industry

Managed funds industry - source of funds

Managed funds industry - source of funds

Bar chart with 4 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $b. Data ranges from 1390.374 to 4751.503000000001.
End of interactive chart.

Resident investment managers' placements with other resident investment managers are deducted when deriving the size of the total managed funds industry.

Managed funds institutions' asset allocations - Proportion of consolidated funds under management - Selected assets

Managed funds institutions' asset allocations - Proportion of consolidated funds under management - Selected assets

Line chart with 6 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying %. Data ranges from 2.1 to 28.8.
End of interactive chart.

Note: Hide/unhide series in the graph by clicking the legend above 

Superannuation (pension) funds

Total unconsolidated assets of superannuation funds rose $158.2b (4.3%) to $3,797.4b during the December quarter.

Key movements were as follows:

  • assets overseas rose $52.5b (6.9%)
  • shares rose $44.9b (7.5%)
  • units in trusts rose $32.2b (2.6%)
  • derivatives rose $11.4b (23.8%)
  • bonds, etc. rose $10.0b (9.4%)

Total assets of superannuation (pension) funds; percentage growth

Total assets of superannuation (pension) funds; percentage growth

Bar chart with 21 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % growth. Data ranges from -7.1 to 5.9.
End of interactive chart.

Public offer (retail) unit trusts

Total unconsolidated assets of public offer (retail) trusts rose $16.3b (3.5%) to $485.4b during the December quarter.

Key movements were as follows:

  • shares rose $6.6b (10.0%)
  • units in trusts rose $5.1b (4.7%)
  • assets overseas rose $4.5b (5.1%)
  • land, buildings and equipment fell $2.6b (-1.7%)
  • bonds, etc. rose $1.1b (7.5%)

Cross investment within public offer (retail) unit trusts rose $1.8b (4.2%) to $44.7b.

Total assets of public offer (retail) unit trusts; percentage growth

Total assets of public offer (retail) unit trusts; percentage growth

Bar chart with 21 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % growth. Data ranges from -3.9 to 5.3.
End of interactive chart.

Other managed funds institutions

Life insurance

Total unconsolidated assets of life insurance corporations rose $1.3b (1.1%) to $121.1b during the December quarter.

Key movements were as follows:

  • units in trusts rose $1.5b (3.5%)
  • other financial assets fell $0.8b (-13.1%)
  • other non-financial assets fell $0.7b (-20.8%)
  • assets overseas rose $0.6b (3.3%)
  • shares rose $0.2b (2.0%)

Total assets of life insurance corporations; percentage growth

Total assets of life insurance corporations; percentage growth

Bar chart with 21 bars.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying % growth. Data ranges from -31.2 to 3.9.
End of interactive chart.

All other managed funds institutions

Total unconsolidated assets of:

  • friendly societies rose $0.5b (5.2%) to $10.0b
  • common funds rose $0.4b (3.3%) to $12.5b
  • cash management trusts fell $0.1b (-0.5%) to $25.5b.

Data downloads

Time series spreadsheets

Data files


  • Table 1 Summary managed funds industry - revised back to the December quarter 2021.
  • Table 2 Summary managed funds institutions - revised back to the December quarter 2021.
  • Table 3 Life insurance offices - revised back to the September quarter 2022.
  • Table 4 Superannuation (pension) funds - revised back to the December quarter 2021.
  • Table 5 Public offer (retail) unit trusts - revised back to the December quarter 2022.
  • Table 6 Friendly Societies - no revisions.
  • Table 7 Common funds - no revisions.
  • Table 8 Cash management trusts - no revisions.
  • Table 9 Resident Investment Managers - revised back to the December quarter 2021.


For enquiries about these and related statistics, contact the Customer Assistance Service via the ABS website Contact Us page. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 5655.0.