
Latest release
Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period
2020-21 financial year

23.85    The classification system used in the Australian NPI satellite account is a reduced version of the classification that is recommended in the UN handbook, the International Classification of Non-Profit Organizations (ICNPO). ICNPO is fundamentally an activity classification, although inclusive of some purpose criteria. ICNPO permits a fuller specification of the components of the non-profit sector than the ANZSIC. In some instances, the detailed ANZSIC codes cut across several ICNPO groups and subgroups. In keeping with the current availability of data, a number of the broad level ICNPO groups have been combined, and estimates are not produced for classifications below the group level. A full version of ICNPO and the concordance between ICNPO and the ANZSIC classification are shown as part of the satellite account publication.

23.86    Data on voluntary work was collected using an activity classification which is similar to ICNPO, at least at the group level. A concordance between ICNPO and the type of organisation for which volunteers worked is also available.

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