Tourism satellite account
23.10 The Australian tourism satellite account (ATSA) is based on the international standard, Tourism Satellite Accounts: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 (TSA RMF) (Eurostat, the OECD, the UN Statistical Division and the UN World Tourism Organisation) which is an update of the first version published in 2000. Along with other statistical agencies, the ABS contributed to the TSA RMF development, and helped ensure consistency with the 2008 SNA.
23.11 The TSA provides a means by which the economic aspects of tourism can be drawn out and analysed separately; however, within the structure of the ASNA. The ATSA is set in the context of the whole economy so that tourism's contribution to major national accounting aggregates can be determined and compared with other industries.
23.12 The key aggregates of the TSA are:
- tourism consumption;
- direct tourism output;
- direct tourism gross value added (GVA);
- direct tourism gross domestic product (GDP); and
- direct tourism employment.