Public health services (COFOG-A 076)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Public health services (COFOG-A 076) consists of government expenditure on public health services. This category is further classified into:

  • public health services (COFOG-A 0761).

Public health services (COFOG-A 0761)


Public health services (COFOG-A 0761) consists of:

  • the provision of public health services;
  • the administration, inspection, operation or support of public health services such as blood bank operation (collecting, processing, storing, shipping), disease detection (cancer, tuberculosis, venereal disease), prevention (immunisation, inoculation), monitoring (infant nutrition, child health), epidemiological data collection, family planning services and so forth; and
  • the preparation and dissemination of information on public health matters.

Includes: Public health service delivered by special teams to groups of clients, most of whom are in good health, at workplaces, schools, or other non-medical settings; public health services not connected with a hospital, clinic or practitioner; public health services not delivered by medically qualified doctors; public health service laboratories; health promotion campaigns; breast cancer screening; communicable disease surveillance and control; nutrition services; screening for childhood diseases; regulation of food standards; occupational health and safety programs; environmental health; population health service programs which aim to protect, promote and/or restore the collective health of whole or specific populations (as distinct from activities directed to the care of individuals); preventive health service programs which aim to prevent disease.

Excludes: Medical analysis laboratories (classified to paramedical services (COFOG-A 0724)); laboratories engaged in determining the causes of disease (classified to research and development - health (COFOG-A 0771)); drug and alcohol treatment and prevention programs (classified to social exclusions not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069)).