Community health services (COFOG-A 075)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Community health services (COFOG-A 075) consists of government expenditure on community health services. This category is further classified into:

  • community mental health services (COFOG-A 0751);
  • patient transport (COFOG-A 0752); and
  • community health services not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0759).

Community mental health services (COFOG-A 0751)


Community mental health services (COFOG-A 0751) consists of:

  • the provision of specialised mental health programs for the mentally ill treated in a community (non-hospital) setting; and
  • the administration, inspection, operation or support of community mental health services.

Includes: Mobile acute assessment; treatment and case management services; outreach programs; community based residential services.

Excludes: Treatment by psychiatrists in private practice (classified to community health services not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0759)); specialised psychiatric hospitals (classified to mental health institutions (COFOG-A 0741)); psycho-geriatric nursing homes (classified to mental health institutions (COFOG-A 0741)); mental health units within hospitals (classified to general hospital services (COFOG-A 0731)).

Patient transport (COFOG-A 0752)


Patient transport (COFOG-A 0752) consists of:

  • the provision of patient transport services; and
  • the administration, inspection, operation or support of patient transport services.

Includes: Emergency transport to hospital such as ambulance and air transport; inter-hospital transport; non-emergency transport to and from treatment centres; travel assistance; subsidies for private transport providers such as taxis, wheelchairs, stretchers and other modes of transport for medical purposes; accommodation assistance for patients and their families to be more closely situated to medical treatment locations.

Community health services not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0759)


Community health services not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0759) consists of:

  • the provision of health services provided in a community (non-hospital) setting other than mental health services; and
  • the administration, inspection, operation or support of community health services other than mental health services.

Includes: Domiciliary nursing services which are not delivered as part of a welfare oriented program; maternal and child health clinics; dental health services; services provided by community health centres; health services provided to particular community groups such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders; Commonwealth government subsidies for private medical, dental and optical services provided in a community or ambulatory setting; treatments by other medical specialists such as obstetricians and anaesthetists that attract Commonwealth government subsidies and are provided in a community setting; treatment by psychiatrists in private practice; pathology and radiology services provided in a community setting or ambulatory care; community access to allied health professionals such as diabetes educators, physiologists, dieticians and podiatrists.

Excludes: Community health services provided by hospitals (classified to general hospital services (COFOG-A 0731)); community mental health services (classified to community mental health services (COFOG-A 0751)); drug and alcohol treatment and prevention programs (classified to social exclusions not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1069)).