841331 Aquaculture Worker
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
841331 Aquaculture Worker
Performs routine tasks in breeding and raising fish and other aquatic stock.
Skill level: 5
Main tasks
- Feeds and grades fish, and monitors their growth
- Assists with farm layout and constructs nets, long-lines and cages
- Checks and looks after equipment and fish housing, and operates pumps and other equipment
- Tests and checks on water quality, and removes dead or dying fish
- Harvests fish and other aquatic stock, and sorts and packs it for transportation
- Restocks pens, pools, tanks, ponds, rivers and dams with juvenile fish
- Collects and records growth, production and water quality data
- May operate lifting equipment such as forklifts and small cranes