811331 Drycleaner
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
811331 Drycleaner
Cleans clothing, garments, upholstery and other fabrics using drycleaning agents and machines.
Skill level: 5
Main tasks
- Inspects clothing, garments, upholstery and other fabrics for stains, damage and special care instructions
- Sorts and separates items based on colour, fabric and cleaning requirements
- Treats stains and spots using appropriate cleaning agents
- Loads items into dry or wet cleaning machines, ensuring proper weight and balance
- Adds cleaning agents and solvents to cleaning machines according to manufacturer instructions
- Operates dry or wet cleaning machines to remove dirt, stains and odours from clothing and fabrics
- Removes cleaned clothing and fabrics from cleaning machines, and inspects for any remaining stains or damage
- Packages and prepares cleaned clothing and fabrics for return to customers
- May repair minor damage to clothing, such as loose buttons or broken zippers