531332 Commodities Trader
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
531332 Commodities Trader
Operates as an independent agent to bring together buyers and sellers of commodities, negotiates private sales, and arranges sales through established marketplaces.
Alternative title
- Commodities Broker
- Energy Trader
- Grain Buyer
- Livestock Trader
- Media Buyer
- Water Broker/Trader
- Wool Broker
Skill level: 2
Main tasks
- Monitors commodity prices, trends and other factors affecting the supply and demand of commodities
- Negotiates the purchase and sale of commodities such as grain, wool, minerals and metals
- Initiates, negotiates and agrees on terms of commodity purchases and sales contracts
- Determines supply and demand, surveys market conditions, and analyses other economic forces in order to establish a market position