
411531 Interpreter

Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0

411531 Interpreter

Transfers a spoken or signed language into another spoken or signed language, usually within a limited time frame, in the physical, visual or aural presence of the participants requiring the transfer.

Translators are excluded from this occupation. Translators are included in Occupation 411532 Translator.


  • Auslan Interpreter

Skill level: 2

Main tasks

  • Prepares for assignments by confirming terminology and undertaking domain specific research to comprehend the subject matter
  • Provides simultaneous and consecutive verbal or signed renditions of speeches into another language
  • Renders the meaning and feeling of what is spoken or signed into another language in the appropriate register and style
  • Transfers a written message and its intent from one language into a spoken or signed message in another language
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