244231 Chemist
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
244231 Chemist
Studies the chemical and physical properties of substances and identifies their practical uses. Develops and monitors chemical processes to create or improve products in pharmaceutical, manufacturing, agriculture and other industries.
- Analytical Chemist
- Industrial Chemist
- Quality Control Chemist
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Designs and conducts experiments to identify chemical composition, energy and chemical changes in natural substances and processed materials
- Researches and analyses the chemical composition, properties and structure of matter to develop or improve existing theories, methods and processes
- Ensures laboratory experiments in chemistry follow protocols and regulations, and meet quality control standards
- Studies, analyses and tests chemistry research processes for application in product improvement or development
- May develop and improve products, chemical formulas, methods and processes for use at an industrial scale
- May study, analyse and model the operations of a chemical plant