
1161 Grain Mill Product Manufacturing

Latest release
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

1161 Grain Mill Product Manufacturing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in milling flour or meal intended for human consumption from grains, vegetables or plants. Processes include blending and cleaning the grain, treating it with heat and moisture and then passing it through a succession of rollers to produce a variety of flour grades, from coarsely to finely ground products.

Primary activities

  • Arrowroot manufacturing
  • Baking powder manufacturing
  • Barley malt manufacturing
  • Barley meal or flour manufacturing
  • Cornflour manufacturing
  • Cornmeal manufacturing
  • Dextrin manufacturing
  • Dextrose manufacturing (except prepared)
  • Glucose manufacturing
  • Gluten manufacturing
  • Malt extract manufacturing
  • Malt manufacturing
  • Pollard manufacturing (from wheat, barley or rye)
  • Rice flour, meal or offal manufacturing
  • Rice manufacturing (including parboiled)
  • Rice starch manufacturing
  • Rye flour, meal or offal manufacturing
  • Sago manufacturing
  • Self-raising flour manufacturing
  • Semolina manufacturing
  • Starch manufacturing
  • Tapioca manufacturing
  • Unpopped corn manufacturing (for popcorn)
  • Wheat germ manufacturing
  • Wheaten bran manufacturing
  • Wheaten flour manufacturing
  • Wheaten malt manufacturing
  • Wheatmeal manufacturing


    Units mainly engaged in

    • manufacturing prepared cereal breakfast food are included in Class 1162 Cereal, Pasta and Baking Mix Manufacturing;
    • manufacturing grain offal, crushed grain or cereals for animal or bird feed and fodder are included in Class 1192 Prepared Animal and Bird Feed Manufacturing;
    • repacking and wholesaling flour or cereal foods are included in Class 3609 Other Grocery Wholesaling; and
    • manufacturing malted milk-based powder and mixtures are included in Class 1133 Cheese and Other Dairy Product Manufacturing.
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