
Help with using ABS Business Reporting

Contact us

If you are having difficulty using ABS Business Reporting and can't find a solution here, please call us on 1800 735 060 (+61 2 6252 8814 outside Australia) Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm AEST.

Ready to report?

If you have received an email or letter requesting you to report, log into ABS Business Reporting to get started.

Common topics

The information below describes possible scenarios you may experience when using ABS Business Reporting, and advice on how to work around these.

Information on our Quarterly Business Indicators Survey, including help on what to report, can be found on our Quarterly Business Indicators Survey for ABS Business Reporting page.

I can't log in

I can’t access the ABS Business Reporting page

Why should I connect to accounting software?

The business I need to report for isn’t listed

I can't find my reference number

Displayed name is incorrect

Unable to authorise a business

My accounting software isn't listed

Why can't I use ABS Business Reporting for other ABS surveys?

Other hints and tips

Splitting an account across different parts of the report

Reporting information that is different to what is in your accounting software

Revising submitted reports

Viewing submitted reports

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