ABS Business Reporting Data Usage

How the ABS handles information you provide to us through ABS Business Reporting

ABS Business Reporting is a web application provided for the purpose of completing and submitting survey information to the ABS. When reporting using the app, you can enter data directly, or you can choose to connect with your accounting software to help you prepare a report. This page describes: 

  • what data ABS Business Reporting is granted access to when you authorise a connection
  • how the ABS uses this data and other data you provide through ABS Business Reporting. 

ABS Business Reporting operates under ABS policies on privacy, security, and confidentiality. Please see the ABS Privacy, Security and Confidentiality pages for detailed information about these policies. 

What data from accounting software does ABS Business Reporting have access to?

When you choose to connect to accounting software in ABS Business Reporting you will be asked to authorise the application’s access to data in the accounting software of your, or your client’s selected business. 

Businesses using Xero

Businesses using MYOB

Businesses using QuickBooks

What does the ABS do with your data? 

The ABS uses the data you grant access to from your accounting software to help you to report.

ABS Business Reporting uses access to a business’ chart of accounts, profit and loss reports, and trial balance or balance sheet reports to display account information and values in the application. This allows you to select which accounts you want to associate with each report item.  A total value for each report item will be generated within the application using the associations you have defined.

Only these totals will be processed by the ABS. This is equivalent to what would be entered as an answer to a question if you choose not to connect to accounting software. 

ABS Business Reporting also saves a record of which accounts were associated with each report item. This allows ABS Business Reporting to generate a report using these associations when users return to report again. This prevents users from having to define associations each time they report.  

Contact details accessed through Xero are collected and stored so that the ABS can contact you if they have any queries about the values reported, or as part of our data collection activities.

Xero data diagram

To help you complete the report, ABS Business Reporting uses the following information from Xero to display account information and values in the application:

  • 'User' information in Xero is used for 'User contact details' in the application
  • 'Organisation' information in Xero is used for 'Business' information in the application
  • 'Chart of Accounts' in Xero is used for 'Account details' in the application
  • 'Profit and Loss Report' and 'Trial Balance Report' in Xero is used for 'Account value' in the application
MYOB Data Diagram

To help you complete the report, ABS Business Reporting uses the following information from MYOB to display account information and values in the application:

  • 'Company File' information in MYOB is used for 'Business' information in the application
  • 'Chart of Accounts' in MYOB is used for 'Account details' in the application
  • 'Profit and Loss Report' and 'Balance Sheet Report' in MYOB is used for 'Account value' in the application.  
QuickBooks Data Diagram

To help you complete the report, ABS Business Reporting uses the following information from QuickBooks to display account information and values in the application:

  • 'Company' information in QuickBooks is used for 'Business' information in the application
  • 'Chart of Accounts' in QuickBooks is used for 'Account details' in the application
  • 'Profit and Loss Report' and 'Trial Balance Report' in QuickBooks is used for 'Account value' in the application.  

What data does the ABS keep?  

Statistical (financial) information 

Personal information collected for non-statistical purposes 

Information collected for the purposes of running the application

What happens to my data when I disconnect a business from ABS Business Reporting?

Once you have connected to accounting software in ABS Business Reporting, you can disconnect your business within the application, or through your accounting software at any time. 

If you disconnect a business you will no longer be able to access previously submitted reports or submit new reports for that business. If you disconnect all businesses you will be unable to access ABS Business Reporting unless you authorise another business. 

Xero users

MYOB users 

QuickBooks users

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