ABS Business Reporting help

Hints and tips to get started and complete your survey using ABS Business Reporting.

Contact us

If you can’t find what you need on this page, outline the details of your situation in our online Business Surveys Contact Form and we will be in touch. 

Alternatively, you can call us on 1800 642 149 (+61 2 6252 8802 overseas) Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AEST. 

You can also find further information on the questions asked and what to include on our Quarterly Business Indicators Survey for ABS Business Reporting page.

Ready to complete your survey?

To get started, go to ABS Business Reporting and follow the instructions outlined in the email or letter you received asking you to complete your survey.

The first time you use ABS Business Reporting click Create account and follow the prompts to set up your ABS survey account.  

If you already have an ABS account, you can log in using your existing credentials.  

Connecting to accounting software in ABS Business Reporting

Why should I connect to accounting software?

How do I connect to my accounting software?

How do I disconnect my accounting software?

How do I change the way I complete my survey?

How do I complete my survey if my accounting software isn't listed?

Further help

I can't log in

I can’t access ABS Business Reporting

I can't find my reference number

I want to give someone else access to complete my survey

The business I need to complete a survey for isn’t listed

I want to change the way I complete my survey

My survey or reference number is 'already claimed'

Splitting an account across different survey questions

Reporting information that is different to what is in your accounting software

Why can't I use ABS Business Reporting for other ABS surveys?

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