Occupations by focus area

Occupations grouped by focus area for ANZSCO public consultation

Updated as of 03/07/2024

Occupation level consultation has now concluded. 

Public consultation rounds 1 to 3 were completed in 2023, targeting selected occupations grouped by focus area. Focus areas were designed for consultation purposes only and are not intended to be a permanent feature of the classification structure.  

Focus areas were grouped based on common industry (as defined by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)). Occupations for some segments of the labour market such as 'Clean Energy', may be reviewed across a number of focus areas.

We invited submissions on these focus areas through the ABS Consultation Hub, with over 600 received.  View the preliminary proposed changes from consultation Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3  in the results section.

Focus areas - Consultation round 3, 10 Oct–5 Dec 2023

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Focus areas - Consultation round 2, 15 Jun–11 Aug 2023



Medical, nursing and other health care services

Focus areas - Consultation round 1, 1 Feb–28 Apr 2023

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