Construction Activity: Chain Volume Measures, Australia

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Provides final estimates of value of construction work done, in chain volume measures

Reference period
March 2020

Main features

March key figures

  Mar qtr 20Dec qtr 19 to Mar qtr 20Mar qtr 19 to Mar qtr 20
  $m% change% change
Seasonally adjusted estimates(a)
Value of work done   
 Building29 194.4-0.5-7.1
 Residential17 533.8-0.6-11.0
 Non-residential11 660.7-0.3-0.6
 Engineering20 838.70.0-3.0
 Total construction50 033.1-0.3-5.4

a. Reference year for Chain Volume Measures is 2017-18.

Data downloads


Table 01. Value of construction work done, for sector, Australia, chain volume measures, seasonally adjusted

Table 02. Value of construction work done, for sector, Australia, chain volume measures, original

Table 03. Implicit price deflators - Australia (2017/18 = 100.0)

All time series workbooks

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 8782.0.65.001.

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