Building Activity, Australia

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Data download

Provides estimates of value of building work and number of dwellings commenced, completed, under construction and in the pipeline

Reference period
June 2021

Key statistics

In seasonally adjusted terms in the June quarter:

  • Total dwelling unit commencements rose 23.2% to 64,596 dwellings.
  • New private sector house commencements rose 13.7% to 40,820 dwellings.
  • New private sector other residential commencements rose 47.5% to 22,515 dwellings.
  • The value of total building work done fell -0.2% to $30.3b.

This release includes data on average commencement times, average completion times and abandonment rates for new dwellings in the Data downloads section. For more information about these data please see the June 2019 feature articles in the Article archive section.

Number of dwellings commenced


 Jun qtr 21
Mar qtr 21 to Jun qtr 21
% change
Jun qtr 20 to Jun qtr 21
% change

Seasonally adjusted

Total dwelling units commenced64,59623.252.8
New private sector houses40,82013.758.9
New private sector other residential building22,51547.545.1



Dwelling units commenced, seasonally adjusted

Dwelling units commenced, seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 33 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying no.. Data ranges from 41763 to 64596.
End of interactive chart.

Private dwellings commenced, seasonally adjusted

Private dwellings commenced, seasonally adjusted

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying no.. Data ranges from 15262 to 40820.
End of interactive chart.

The total number of dwelling units commenced rose 23.2% to a record high of 64,596 dwellings in the June quarter, in seasonally adjusted terms. Private sector new house commencements rose 13.7% to a record high of 40,820 dwellings, following a 6.0% rise in the March quarter. Private other residential dwelling commencements rose 47.5% to 22,515 dwellings, following a -9.6% fall in the March quarter.

Value of work done

Reference year for Chain Volume Measures is 2018-2019

 Jun qtr 21
Mar qtr 21 to Jun qtr 21
% change
Jun qtr 20 to Jun qtr 21
% change

Seasonally adjusted chain volume measures

Total value of work done30,333.8-0.22.0
New residential building15,918.0-0.74.7
Alterations and additions to residential building2,796.4-1.921.5
Non-residential building11,619.40.9-5.1


Value of work done, total building, seasonally adjusted chain volume measures

Value of work done, total building, seasonally adjusted chain volume measures

Line chart with 33 data points.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $m. Data ranges from 24627.1 to 32304.
End of interactive chart.

Value of work done, seasonally adjusted chain volume measures

Value of work done, seasonally adjusted chain volume measures

Line chart with 2 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying .
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying $m. Data ranges from 9444.1 to 18634.9.
End of interactive chart.

The value of total building work done fell -0.2% to $30.3b in the June quarter, in seasonally adjusted terms. The fall was driven by new residential building work done, which fell -0.7% to $15.9b. Work done on new houses fell -0.4% to $9.9b, while new other residential building fell -1.3% to $6.1b. Non-residential building work done rose 0.9% to $11.6b.

Data downloads

Time series spreadsheets

Data files
Data files

About this issue

This publication updates the preliminary estimates released in Construction Work Done, Australia on 25 August 2021. The data in this publication are based on a response rate of approximately 85% of the value of building work done during the quarter. This is lower than the average response rate due to difficulties collecting data as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The data are subject to revision when returns from the following quarter are processed. Final data for the June 2021 quarter will be released in the next release of this publication, Building Activity, Australia on 19 January 2022.

Several time series spreadsheets contain 'np' (not available for publication) annotations from the September quarter 2012 onwards. This is due to confidential data being contained in these series.


For inquiries about these and related statistics, contact the Customer Assistance Service via the ABS website Contact Us page. The ABS Privacy Policy outlines how the ABS will handle any personal information that you provide to us.

Changes this release


Compared to the estimate published in Building Activity, Australia March 2021 released on 14 July 2021:

  • the total value of work done in Australia during the March 2021 quarter has been revised upwards by $178.2m or 0.6% (original, current price). 
  • the total value of work commenced in Australia during the March 2021 quarter has been revised upwards $1,669.7m or 5.5% (original, current price). This was driven by an upward revision to total non-residential commencements of $1,150.4m (10.0%), and an upward revision to total residential commencements of $519.3m (2.7%).
  • the number of dwelling unit commencements in the March 2021 quarter has been revised upwards by 406 dwellings or 0.8% (original).

Suspension of trend series

The trend series attempts to measure underlying behaviour in construction activity. This measurement will be significantly affected by changes to regular patterns in activity during this time, as the construction industry faces on-going uncertainty. If the trend estimates in this publication were to be calculated without fully accounting for this irregular event, they would likely provide a misleading view of underlying building activity.

It may be some time before the underlying trend in building activity can be accurately estimated. The trend series have therefore been suspended starting from June 2020. The trend series will be reinstated when more certainty emerges in the underlying trend. 

Update to seasonal adjustment methods

Building Activity uses the concurrent seasonal adjustment method. This means that seasonal factors are re-estimated each time a new data point becomes available. Not accounting for unusual real-world events, such as COVID-19, can distort estimates calculated using this method.

From September 2020, seasonal factors are being calculated using data up to and including June 2020. These are then projected from September 2020 onwards, for:

  •  Private and total sector non-residential building work done in Victoria.

From December 2020, seasonal factors are being calculated using data up to and including September 2020. These are then projected from December 2020 onwards, for:

  • New houses and alterations and additions to residential commencement series in all states and territories.

From March 2021, seasonal factors are being calculated using data up to and including December 2020. These are then projected from March 2021 onwards, for:

  • Private and total sector non-residential building work done in Queensland, and
  • new houses and alterations and additions to residential work done series in all states and territories.

This approach, known as the forward factor method, ensures that the seasonal factors are not distorted by COVID-19 impacts.

Previous catalogue number

This release previously used catalogue number 8752.0.

Post release changes

10/11/2021 - This additional information release contains a small area CSV file of experimental dwelling completions for the September 2016 quarter 2016 to the June 2021 quarter. Refer to the feature article, Small Area Dwelling Completions, for the methodology used.