
Latest release
Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period
2020-21 financial year

22.77    The industrial classification introduced in the 2006-07 I-O tables is the Input-Output Industry Group (IOIG), which is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification, 2006 (see Appendix 1). ANZSIC06 is applied to the TAU that forms the starting point for the I-O industries.

22.78    Some I-O industries correspond to a single ANZSIC class, but it is not possible to have an industry for every class. The aim is to provide a balanced view of the structure of the economy, and to be able to compare the latest I-O tables with earlier versions.

22.79    In I-O tables produced prior to the 2001-02 tables, where practical, the process of 'redefinition of industries' was applied where units defined to an industry had significant production of products primary to another industry which had a different pattern of inputs. This secondary output was treated as output of the industry to which production was primary. This resulted in lower levels of secondary production than in tables compiled from the 2001-02 tables onwards when the redefinitions were ceased. The redefinitions affected mainly the trading activity of miners and manufacturers, which was redefined to retail and wholesale trade, and any significant manufacturing activity of wholesalers which was redefined to the appropriate manufacturing industry.

22.80    The product classification used in the I-O tables is the IOPC, which is based on the Central Product Classification (see Chapter 5 for more details). The IOPC is an industry-of-origin product classification that has been specifically developed for the compilation and application of Australian I-O tables. It is also consistent with ANZSIC06. As the I-O system describes the production and subsequent use of all goods and services, an I-O product classification needs to be defined in terms of characteristic products of industry sectors. The overall principles for the preparation of such an industry-of-origin product classification include:

  • homogeneity of inputs – each product or product group should consist of items that have similar input structures or technology of production. This principle is generally applied through the definition of each IOPC item in terms of the ANZSIC industry in which it is mainly produced; and
  • homogeneity of disposition – each product or product group, having satisfied the first criterion, should consist of items that have similar patterns of disposition or usage. This principle is applied by reference to the description of source data items and information about the transport, distribution and product taxation margins applying to specific products.

22.81    Details for the latest version of the product classification are available on the ABS website, including concordances to other classifications.

22.82    Much of the data that is used to populate the I-O tables is initially classified to other classifications. Therefore, concordances are required to map this data to the I-O classifications.

22.83    Concordances available on the website include IOPC to the CPI 17th series classification; IOIG to ANZSIC06; and IOIG to HEC.