Sources and methods - Quarterly

Latest release
Australian System of National Accounts: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period
2020-21 financial year

14.126    The table below outlines the data sources and methods used in the estimation of quarterly capital transfers in current prices only. Volume estimates are not calculated for capital transfers.

Table 14.11 Quarterly capital — Capital transfers
Capital transfers


Quarterly capital transfers are calculated using a matrix-based approach where total public sector capital transfers are disaggregated to obtain capital transfers received and paid for each sector.

Capital transfers to non-residents are sourced directly from Balance of Payments statistics. Australia does not receive any capital transfers from non-residents.

Quarterly estimates of capital transfers between public and other resident sectors are sourced from the Government Finance Statistics. Data are derived from administrative sources such as the Commonwealth Department of Finance State government treasuries, quarterly surveys of local government authorities and public non-financial corporations.

Government Finance Statistics provide a counterparty breakdown of the expense data using source destination classifications (SDCs). SDCs are not compiled for the revenue data, and assumptions are made regarding the counterparty.

There exists a small quarterly imbalance between total public sector capital transfers and the counterparty capital transfer flows as they are derived separately. This imbalance is balanced off in households capital transfers receivable, as it is the largest and least accurate capital transfer flow.

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