Mining, manufacturing and construction (COFOG-A 044)
Mining, manufacturing and construction (COFOG-A 044) consists of government expenditure on mining, manufacturing and construction. This category is further classified into:
- mining of mineral resources other than mineral fuels (COFOG-A 0441);
- manufacturing (COFOG-A 0442); and
- construction (COFOG-A 0443).
Mining of mineral resources other than mineral fuels (COFOG-A 0441)
Mining of mineral resources other than mineral fuels (COFOG-A 0441) includes metal-bearing minerals, sand, clay, stone, chemical and fertiliser minerals, salt, gemstones, asbestos, gypsum, etc. This category consists of:
- the administration of mining and mineral resource affairs and services; conservation, discovery, development and rationalised exploitation of mineral resources; supervision and regulation of prospecting, mining, marketing and other aspects of mineral production;
- the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on mining and mineral resource affairs and services; and
- grants, loans or subsidies to support commercial mining activities.
Includes: Issuance of licenses and leases; regulation of production rates; inspection of mines for conformity to safety regulations, etc.; advances and bounties to foster mineral developments and production.
Excludes: Coal and other solid fuels (classified to coal and other solid mineral fuels (COFOG-A 0431)); petroleum and natural gas (classified to petroleum and natural gas (COFOG-A 0432)); nuclear fuel materials (classified to nuclear fuel (COFOG-A 0433)).
Manufacturing (COFOG-A 0442)
Manufacturing (COFOG-A 0442) consists of:
- the administration of manufacturing affairs and services; development, expansion or improvement of manufacturing; supervision and regulation of the establishment and operation of manufacturing plants; liaison with manufacturers' associations and other organisations interested in manufacturing affairs and services;
- the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on manufacturing activities and manufactured products; and
- grants, loans or subsidies to support manufacturing enterprises.
Includes: Inspection of manufacturing premises for conformity with safety regulations, protection of consumers against dangerous products, etc.; marketing schemes for processed primary products such as meat, timber, dried fruits and packaged fish; payments supporting export marketing; grants, loans and subsidies to road vehicle manufacturers and shipbuilders; grants, loans and subsidies to rolling stock manufacturers; grants, loans and subsidies to aircraft manufacturers.
Excludes: Affairs and services concerning the coal processing industry (classified to coal and other solid mineral fuels (COFOG-A 0431)), the petroleum refinery industry (classified to petroleum and natural gas (COFOG-A 0432)) or the nuclear fuel industry (classified to nuclear fuel (COFOG-A 0433)).
Construction (COFOG-A 0443)
Construction (COFOG-A 0443) consists of:
- the administration of construction affairs and services; supervision of the construction industry; development and regulation of construction standards; and
- the production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on construction affairs and services.
Includes: Issuance of certificates permitting occupancy; inspection of construction sites for conformity with safety regulations, etc.
Excludes: Grants, loans and subsidies for the construction of housing, industrial buildings, streets, public utilities, cultural facilities, mines, farm buildings, etc. (classified according to function); development and regulation of housing standards (classified to housing development (COFOG-A 0611)).