Military and civil defence (COFOG-A 021)

Latest release
Australian System of Government Finance Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods
Reference period

Military and civil defence (COFOG-A 021) consists of government expenditure on military and civil defence. This category is further classified into:

  • military defence (COFOG-A 0211); and
  • civil defence (COFOG-A 0212).

Military defence (COFOG-A 0211)


Military defence (COFOG-A 0211) consists of:

  • the administration of military defence affairs and services; and
  • the operation of land, sea, air and space defence forces; operation of engineering, transport, communication, intelligence, personnel and other non-combat defence forces; operation or support of reserve and auxiliary forces of the defence establishment.

Includes: Offices of military attachés stationed abroad; field hospitals; provision of equipment, structures and supplies; provision of accommodation on Defence bases to members of the defence force.

Excludes: Military aid missions (classified to foreign military aid (COFOG-A 0221)); military base hospitals (classified to general hospital services (COFOG-A 0731)); military schools and colleges where curricula resembles those of civilian institutions even though attendance may be limited to military personnel and their families (classified to the appropriate class of COFOG-A 091, COFOG-A 092 or COFOG-A 093); pension schemes for military personnel (classified to old age (COFOG-A 1011)); pensions and other benefits paid to war widows and war orphans (classified to survivors (COFOG-A 1021)); provision of accommodation within the community to members of the defence force (classified to housing development (COFOG-A 0611)); financing of homes for ex-service personnel (classified to housing (COFOG-A 1051)).

Civil defence (COFOG-A 0212)


Civil defence (COFOG-A 0212) consists of:

  • the administration of civil defence affairs and services; formulation of contingency plans; organisation of exercises involving civilian institutions and populations; and
  • the operation or support of civil defence forces.

Includes: Civil defence personnel.

Excludes: Civil protection services (classified to civil protection services (COFOG-A 0321)); purchase and storage of food, equipment and other supplies for emergency use in the case of natural disasters (classified to natural disaster relief (COFOG-A 1091)); purchase and storage of food, equipment and other supplies for emergency use in the case of man-made disasters (classified to social protection not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 1099)).

Foreign military aid (COFOG-A 022)


Foreign military aid (COFOG-A 022) consists of government expenditure on foreign military aid. This category is further classified into:

  • foreign military aid (COFOG-A 0221).

Foreign military aid (COFOG-A 0221)


Foreign military aid (COFOG-A 0221) consists of:

  • the administration of military aid and operation of military aid missions accredited to foreign governments or attached to international military organisations or alliances; and
  • military aid in the form of grants (in cash or in kind), loans (regardless of interest charged) or loans of equipment; contributions to international peacekeeping forces including the assignment of manpower.

Research and development - defence (COFOG-A 023)


Research and development - defence (COFOG-A 023) consists of government expenditure on research and development relating to defence. Definitions of basic research, applied research and experimental development are given under COFOG-A 014 and COFOG-A 015. This category is further classified into:

  • Research and development - defence (COFOG-A 0231).

Research and development - defence (COFOG-A 0231)


Research and development - defence (COFOG-A 0231) consists of:

  • the administration and operation of government agencies engaged in applied research and experimental development related to defence; and
  • grants, loans or subsidies to support applied research and experimental development related to defence undertaken by non-government bodies such as research institutes and universities.

Includes: Development of new and improved equipment; improvements in tactics and strategies.

Excludes: Basic research (classified to basic research (COFOG-A 0141)).

Defence not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 029)


Defence not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 029) consists of government expenditure on defence not elsewhere classified. This category is further classified into:

  • defence not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0299).

Defence not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0299)


Defence not elsewhere classified (COFOG-A 0299) consists of:

  • the administration, operation or support of activities such as formulation, administration, coordination and monitoring of overall policies, plans, programs and budgets relating to defence; preparation and enforcement of legislation relating to defence; production and dissemination of general information, technical documentation and statistics on defence; etc.

Includes: Defence affairs and services that cannot be classified to military and civil defence (COFOG-A 021), foreign military aid (COFOG-A 022) or research and development - defence (COFOG-A 023).

Excludes: Administration of war veterans' affairs (classified to old age (COFOG-A 101)).