461332 Funeral Director
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
First release
461332 Funeral Director
Plans and coordinates arrangements for funerals according to the wishes of the deceased or their relatives.
Registration or licensing may be required.
Alternative titles
- Mortician
- Undertaker
Skill level: 2
Main tasks
- Consults with family or friends of the deceased to determine their wishes for the funeral
- Provides guidance and support in making funeral arrangements
- Coordinates with relevant parties, such as cemeteries, crematoriums and clergy, to arrange burial or cremation
- Schedules funeral services and speakers
- Arranges for the purchase of caskets, urns and other funeral merchandise
- Organises transportation of the deceased's body to the funeral location
- Oversees the setup and decoration of the funeral venue
- Provides support and comfort to grieving family members and friends
- May prepare the deceased for viewing or burial