
271135 Cyber Security Engineer

Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
Next release 6/12/2024
First release

271135 Cyber Security Engineer

Designs, develops, modifies, documents, tests, implements, installs and supports cyber security software applications and systems to ensure they are fully integrated.

Alternative titles

  • ICT Security Engineer
  • Information Security Engineer

Skill level: 1

Main tasks

  • Develops, implements and integrates secure coding practices, and conducts security testing and vulnerability assessments for software and systems
  • Collaborates with developers to identify and remediate security issues
  • Develops and implements secure software development lifecycle processes and methodologies
  • Integrates security controls into development processes
  • Participates in code reviews and provides security guidance
  • Assesses security of third-party software components and libraries used in software and applications
  • Develops and implements secure application programming interfaces and libraries for use in software and applications
  • Performs code analysis scan on software binaries
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