711331 Freight Train Driver
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
711331 Freight Train Driver
Drives a train to transport freight on railways.
Registration or licensing is required.
Passenger Train Drivers are excluded from this occupation. Passenger Train Drivers are included in Occupation 711332 Passenger Train Driver.
Alternative title
- Freight Locomotive Driver
Skill level: 3
Main tasks
- Inspects locomotives and rolling stock before, during and after journeys
- Operates and monitors controls to regulate speed, direction and braking, and track fuel consumption
- Ensures livestock freight are safe and in good physical condition
- Communicates with control centres and other train crew using radios and signals
- Manages the loading and unloading of freight
- Performs minor repairs and maintenance tasks on-track if necessary
- Couples and uncouples wagons using manual tools
- Keeps records of journeys, delays and any incidents that occur
- Follows timetables and schedules to ensure on-time delivery of freight