399931 Boat Builder and Repairer
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
399931 Boat Builder and Repairer
Builds, repairs and modifies boats.
Registration or licensing may be required.
- Rigger (Boat)
- Yacht Builder
Skill level: 3
Main tasks
- Reads, analyses and interprets technical drawings and plans for boat construction
- Builds and repairs boats using various materials such as wood, fibreglass, carbon fibre, metal, glass, reinforced plastic and Kevlar
- Modifies boat designs and structures to meet customer requirements
- Installs and fits out boat interiors including cabinetry, fixtures and fittings
- Completes rigging fit out of new boat builds
- Repairs and replaces damaged or worn-out boat parts and components to ensure the boat is seaworthy