391933 Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
391933 Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer
Builds, repairs and restores musical instruments, and modifies and tunes them to owners' specifications.
- Piano Tuner
Skill level: 3
Main tasks
- Constructs musical instruments according to specifications and designs
- Repairs damaged or broken musical instruments
- Modifies musical instruments to meet musicians' specific requirements
- Tunes musical instruments for correct pitch and sound
- Inspects and tests musical instruments for quality
- Uses tools to shape, cut and assemble instrument parts
- Applies finishes and varnishes to instruments
- May use 3D printing to recreate missing parts of instruments or manufacture instruments with specific characteristics that are not possible to create using conventional production techniques