281235 Magistrate
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
281235 Magistrate
Hears criminal matters to determine whether defendants will be committed for trial, and adjudicates minor criminal offences and civil matters without a jury.
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Conducts hearings to determine whether defendants should be committed for trial
- Presides over minor civil and criminal proceedings without a jury
- Reviews evidence presented by prosecution and defence
- Examines witnesses and defendants
- Makes decisions on guilt based on evidence and legal principles
- Sentences defendants convicted of minor criminal offences
- Awards damages in civil matters
- Ensures that defendants' rights are protected during the legal process
- Maintains order and decorum in the courtroom
- Prepares written judgments and decisions
- Keeps up to date with changes in criminal law and legal precedents