
259931 Adult Literacy / Numeracy Teacher

Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0

259931 Adult Literacy / Numeracy Teacher

Teaches literacy, numeracy and digital literacy to adults in a range of settings, including adult education facilities, workplaces, libraries, community organisations, correctional facilities and homes.

RTO teachers and trainers, TAFE lecturers and teachers, VET trainers and assessors, and workplace trainers and assessors are excluded from this occupation. RTO teachers and trainers, TAFE lecturers and teachers, and VET trainers and assessors are included in Occupation 252231 Vocational Education Teacher. Workplace trainers and assessors are included in Occupation 222431 Training and Development Professional.

Skill level: 1

Main tasks

  • Assesses learners' needs, develops personalised learning plans and goals, and identifies barriers to learning
  • Identifies core literacy, numeracy and digital skills that underpin vocational courses and workplace tasks
  • Customises teaching methodologies to suit different types of learners and correspond to their learning goals
  • Delivers contextualised teaching and learning programs and resources
  • Conducts classes, tutorials, presentations and practical activities to teach literacy, numeracy and digital skills to individuals and small groups
  • Ensures interactions with learners and the learning programs being delivered are respectful, culturally appropriate and trauma informed
  • Assesses learners' progress and adapts programs and resources to improve outcomes
  • Informs learners of their progress, and prepares reports for Managers and leaders of organisations, institutions and communities
  • Provides advice to other parts of learners' networks such as vocational teachers, work supervisors and/or case managers as required
  • Conducts audits of literacy, numeracy and digital skills within organisations, institutions and communities
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