252131 University Lecturer
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OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
252131 University Lecturer
Lectures students and conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university, and conducts research in a particular field of knowledge.
Alternative title
- Senior Lecturer
- Associate Professor
- Professor
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Prepares and delivers lectures
- Prepares and marks essays, assignments and examinations
- Advises students on academic and related matters
- Attends departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars
- Supervises work programs of postgraduate and honours students and tutorial staff
- Participates in setting course and degree requirements, curriculum revision and academic planning
- Serves on council, senate, faculty and other committees and professional boards
- Conducts research and undertakes consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
- Compiles bibliographies of specialised materials for reading assignments
- May conduct tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions