251931 Teacher Librarian
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
251931 Teacher Librarian
Builds and delivers library and information management services in schools, works collaboratively with teachers to select appropriate resources that support the curriculum, and teaches students to access and use quality information and recreational reading material.
Registration or licensing is required.
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Provides activities that focus on literature, the promotion of reading and literacy development to meet the interests and needs of school students
- Delivers programs on digital and information literacy that support curriculum knowledge, understanding and skills
- Provides activities that promote enquiry-based learning, critical and creative thinking, digital literacy and ethical understanding in curriculum areas
- Provides physical and intellectual access to information and ideas, including library facilities, material resources and pedagogical programs and services (physical and digital), for school teachers and students
- Manages schools' physical and digital learning spaces where reading, enquiry, research, critical thinking, imagination and creativity are central to learning and teaching
- Resources the curriculum and leads services and programs that are developed collaboratively with school staff
- Undertakes programming, collection development and outreach to support students across a full range of abilities, and welcomes diverse cultural, linguistic, religious and other unique groups into the school libraries
- Liaises with other library groups in the broader community