251432 Specialist Teacher (Vision Impairment)
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
251432 Specialist Teacher (Vision Impairment)
Promotes and supports equity, inclusion, learning and wellbeing of students who are blind or have low vision, deaf-blindness or multiple disability, by building teacher capacity and student strengths, and by promoting evidence-based practices across all aspects of the curriculum and learning environment.
Registration or licensing is required.
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Supports and promotes inclusion and equitable access, participation and engagement of vision impaired students in education and learning
- Works in a multidisciplinary team with students, parents and carers, teachers, school learning and support staff, eye health and allied health professionals, and other stakeholders
- Supports teachers to develop learning plans, and provides reasonable adjustments to the curriculum, teaching and learning strategies, assessment, educational materials and the learning environment for vision impaired students
- Supports student acquisition of vision-specific skills, including skills in compensatory access to information, communication and literacy, sensory efficiency, technology, orientation and mobility, independent living, social interaction, recreation and leisure, career education and self-determination
- Provides information and professional learning for school staff on evidence-based best practices in education for students with blindness and low vision
- Supports school staff in interpreting assessments and recommendations for clinical and functional eye health, literacy and learning media, and optical and assistive technology for learning
- Facilitates the timely provision of textbooks and instructional materials in alternative formats, including braille, large print and digital/audio
- Contributes to school documentation of vision impaired student information