231931 Community Arts Worker
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
231931 Community Arts Worker
Identifies issues of local need, concerns and aspirations through community consultation, and designs and implements strategies to facilitate and encourage community arts projects and happenings, and promote the value of community cultural development.
Alternative titles
- Community Artist
- Community Arts Officer
- Community Cultural Development Officer
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Identifies local artistic issues, needs and problems through community consultation
- Plans, develops and implements arts and cultural development initiatives and programs in collaboration with diverse groups within the community
- Develops and maintains links and partnerships with community-based organisations and local artists
- Evaluates data and prepares and coordinates reports, such as submissions requesting funding for continuing programs and new projects
- Fosters an inclusive environment to assist artistic and cultural pursuits in the community to thrive