231633 Musician (Instrumental)
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
231633 Musician (Instrumental)
Entertains by playing one or more musical instruments.
Alternative title
- Instrumentalist
- Drummer
- Guitarist
- Pianist
- Violinist
Skill level: 1
High levels of creative talent, interest and personal commitment may substitute for formal qualifications or years of experience.
Main tasks
- Practices and rehearses music to maintain and improve skills
- Performs live music for audiences in a variety of venues such as concert halls, clubs and festivals
- Selects and arranges music for performances
- Collaborates with other musicians, bands, orchestras or ensembles
- Creates music using electronic instruments, synthesisers, drum machines, and computer-based production techniques
- Records music for distribution and sale
- Contributes to the cultural landscape by expressing emotions, telling stories and communicating ideas through the universal language of music