2224 Training and Development Professionals
2224 Training and Development Professionals
Plan, develop, implement and evaluate training and development programs to ensure management and staff acquire the skills and develop the competencies required by organisations to meet organisational objectives.
Adult Literacy / Numeracy Teachers, RTO teachers and trainers, TAFE lecturers and teachers, and vocational education and training (VET) trainers and assessors are excluded from this unit group. Adult Literacy / Numeracy Teachers are included in Occupation 259931 Adult Literacy / Numeracy Teacher. RTO teachers and trainers, TAFE lecturers and teachers, and VET trainers and assessors are included in Occupation 252231 Vocational Education Teacher.
OSCA skill level
The occupations in this unit group have a skill level corresponding to the qualifications and experience below.
- Skill Level 1: Bachelor Degree, higher qualification, or at least five years of relevant experience