151331 Aquaculture Farmer
Latest release
OSCA - Occupation Standard Classification for Australia
Reference period
2024, Version 1.0
151331 Aquaculture Farmer
Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise fish and other aquatic stock.
Alternative title
- Aquaculture Farm Manager
- Grow-out Manager (Aquaculture)
- Hatchery Manager (Aquaculture)
- Oyster Farmer
Skill level: 1
Main tasks
- Plans and coordinates the operations of hatcheries and grow-out operations to breed and produce aquatic stock such as fish, oysters, crayfish, marron or prawns
- Plans and coordinates the cultivation and production of seaweed for food, animal feed, biofuels and fertilisers
- Coordinates and oversees strategies to monitor the environment and maintain optimal growing conditions for aquatic stock and seaweed, minimise the impact of operations on the environment, and manage biosecurity and other risks
- Directs and oversees general aquaculture farming activities, including the provision and maintenance of farming infrastructure and equipment
- Directs and oversees the transportation of aquatic stock to new tanks, ponds, cages and floating net pens
- Coordinates and oversees harvesting, grading, processing and packaging operations for aquatic stock and seaweed
- Organises the sale, purchase and transportation of aquatic stock and seaweed
- Maintains and evaluates records of aquaculture farming activities, monitors market activity, and plans production accordingly
- Manages aquaculture farm business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
- May select, train and supervise aquaculture farm staff and contractors