
1709 Other Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing

Latest release
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC)
Reference period
2006 (Revision 2.0)

1709 Other Petroleum and Coal Product Manufacturing

This class consists of units mainly engaged in further refining heavy and light oil components into petroleum and coal products not elsewhere classified, using oil and grease base stocks, as well as synthetic organic compound base stocks. This class also includes units mainly engaged in distilling coal tars and/or manufacturing cyclic organic hydrocarbon intermediate compounds from refined petroleum or natural gas.

Primary activities

  • Aromatic hydrocarbon manufacturing
  • Asphalt and bituminous material manufacturing (except hot-mix bituminous paving)
  • Benzene manufacturing
  • Bituminous adhesive or mastic manufacturing
  • Blending of tar, asphalt and/or bitumen material
  • Brake fluid manufacturing
  • Carbon tetrachloride manufacturing
  • Char manufacturing
  • Chloroform manufacturing
  • Coal coke manufacturing
  • Coal tar distilling
  • Emulsion, bituminous, manufacturing
  • Fuel briquette manufacturing (except charcoal)
  • Grinding oil manufacturing
  • Hydraulic fluid manufacturing
  • Lubricating oil and grease manufacturing
  • Mineral turpentine manufacturing
  • Motor oil manufacturing
  • Naphthalene manufacturing
  • Paraffin wax manufacturing
  • Petroleum coke and petroleum coke product manufacturing
  • Petroleum jelly manufacturing
  • Petroleum oil blending
  • Petroleum solvent manufacturing
  • Petroleum wax manufacturing
  • Phenol manufacturing
  • Recovery of lubricating oil or grease from used petroleum waste products
  • Rust arresting compound manufacturing
  • Styrene manufacturing
  • Synthetic motor oil manufacturing
  • Tar, refined, manufacturing
  • Toluene manufacturing
  • Transmission fluid manufacturing


Units mainly engaged in

  • manufacturing glues and adhesives are included in Class 1915 Adhesive Manufacturing;
  • manufacturing coatings for concrete and masonry are included in Class 1916 Paint and Coatings Manufacturing;
  • charcoal briquettes manufacturing are included in Class 1812 Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing; and
  • manufacturing hot-mix bituminous paving are included in Class 3101 Road and Bridge Construction.
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